En het valt me niet tegen hoeveel ik al gedaan heb. Ik had eigenlijk verwacht dat ik weinig zou doen, maar dat valt dus wel mee.
A little time to myself: I stayed home to work. I wasn't going to be in my classroom anyway
and there's so much snow here, if I don't have to go out by car, I rather don't. And when I woke up with another splitting head-ache, I decided to work at home.
And I did do a lot already. I thought I wouldn't, but I did do loads of work.
- DP & button: Basic Grey - Marrakech
- Title: Quickutz
- Embroidery floss (black): from stash
Deze LO had ik gisteren al af, maar ik had toen geen zin om de foto te bewerken en 'm te publiceren; ik wilde naar bed.
Zo, nu weer aan het werk!
Zo, nu weer aan het werk!
I finished this LO yeasterday, but I didn't feel like photoshopping the photo and to add it to my blog; I just wnated to get to bed.
And now, back to work!
And now, back to work!
Bedankt voor je bezoek! ~ Thanks for visiting!

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