Nee, geef mij de straatjes rond het plein maar!
This square in Marrakech was told to be amazing, but I hated it: the "artists" were very rude and pushy and those poor animals.....
Give me the streets surrounding the square any day!
- Cardstock: Bazzill
- DP: Echo Park - Sweet Summertime
- Embroidery floss (white): from stash
Ik heb wat zitten schuiven met fotohoekjes, maar wit-op-wit vind ik niks en om in die hoeken niets te doen, vind ik ook niks. Hij blijft dus gewoon zoals 'ie is!
Ik heb weer een schets van Creanijn gebruikt voor deze LO.
The circles are popping of the page in the photo and I wnated my other photos to pop of the background as well.
I have just some photo-corners, but I don't like white-on-white and I also didn't like using them in just a few corners of a photo. The LO stays like it is!
I have used a sketch by Creanijn for this LO.
Bedankt voor je bezoek! ~ Thanks for visiting!

1 reacties:
Wonderful LO!
Thanks for joining us at Pile It On!
Helen x
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